Twlight and Waves of Unresolve
Hot blood pouring over my hands. I knew I should have stopped when the hits began to feel spongy. The ocean shifted the metal gaint left and right. People are screaming but I no longer hear them. I feel the hand of M.Ps grabbing at me, but neither can muster the stength to pull me from my victim. I punch one last time, this insures that the man will never have children with his wife again. I hear the crack before I feel the pain. The nightstick may have fractured the skull, but I only feel a split second of intense pain, then ....nothing........
Tonight brought many old feelings to the surface. The scarest thing was that I enjoyed it. The loss of all self control. Before I was caught by th explosion, all I could think about was killing as many of the hired guns as I could. It was my fault though, I should have expected the flash bang before they threw it. My mistake almost cost Sari her life. When we left many were dead. We brought the one survivor back with us. J'ai eu plaisir à battre toute les information que nous sommes sortie de lui. J'ai seulement souhaité que je pourrais l'avoir battu davantage. All well. He did provide us with the stepping stone we needed. A few clicks off shore is the ship we are looking for. I can already feel the rage building from the approaching ocean waves. I want to kill them all. The guards will be the worse part. They will more than likely hear us coming. I will try to get a long range sniper rifle with silencer so I can take the inconspicuous ones out. But, what I really want is to wrap my fingers tightly around Ling's neck and squeeze until all the veins in his skull burst. He is the cause of all of this. And for that I want to murder him horribly. Je ne lui permettrai jamais de faire un pas devant un juge et un jury.
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